Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ciara... Bad Bitch or Rerun Goddess?

I hate when people hype sh*t up. I probably would have like it a lot better if i wasn't looking for something epic.

Yesterday, the hot topic of Twitter, Facebook, and word of mouth was Ciara's new video "Ride" feat. Ludacris. I was told it was a "MUST SEE!" and in a desperate search to find the video on my iPhone [Becky] because I did not have access to a working computer, I couldn't find it and I was over it before I even saw the video. YouTube honestly needs to start regulating all of the junk on there.

As you can see from the picture I posted above, Ciara is definitely hot. She's a bad one so you can understand my excitement! Finally, I was able to access a mini laptop with a friend. I was about to feast my eyes upon what everyone was chatting about all day... and then I was disappointed. The song is about how Ciara can ride a dick extremely well as she is moving, shaking, and grinding on a white backdrop [so original]. Yes, I agree her body was sickin! Due to the singers recent modeling career with Adidas and other campaigns she has lost a lot of weight and is not the same Southern ATL girl when "Goodies", her first single, hit the scene and put Ciara on the map.

I personally think Ciara needs to reinvent herself. She went back to what she knew, which is a fitted baseball cap, a mid drift top, and some black spandex, and I can appreciate that. But at the very same time I am a little tired of seeing the same thing over and over again. AND then she started chewing that bubble gum extremely hard and it just wasn't working for me! On top of that, the song was #trash. Nothing special.

We all know Ciara can come out with something new because she has done it before! She KILLED the game with "Promise" back in 2006. That sound would change the entire mood of any house party from "Too $hort buck" to "F**kin with clothes on". It was a new sound, new look, and it WORKED! She even had a new sound and was the first compare a relationship in a woman and man's perspective before Queen Beyonce even did with "Like A Boy" on the same album. She's a cute girl, she just needs a team that will point her in the right direction.

I have no doubt in my mind that Ciara truly knows how to "ride" and she was doing what she does extremely well [as always], but I want to see more from her. Once again, Luda was forced to save the day! Let us pray this is not her "big come back" because you would have never even known her last album was even for sale... SMH

After watching the video when I am not so upset makes me appreciate it more, but I can say she still has a lot of work to do as a music artist. She already handled step #1 below haha.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Oh... ATL do me Dirrrty!

I'm about to become a dirty boy; a Dirty South Boy that is. I recently came back from my business/vacation trip to Atlanta, GA and let me tell you, the Dirty South is not ready for JBS! This was my first trip to ATL as an adult and it was an experience that will not leave my memory. I had withdrawals when I got back to Southern California for about 2 days! It may have had something to do with the test I had to next day, that I'm pretty sure I failed Lol.

I fell in love with Atlanta. I tend to fall in love with things that are new to me, just for the simple fact they are "new". Even landing at ATL and seeing a bunch of yellow dust all over every one's vehicles (that apparently was the annual pollen envision every spring), I knew I was in for a new and exciting experience. After being told that I "looked funny" by a 3 year old (slightly insulted! haha), we headed downtown.

Everyone told me that I was going to be overwhelmed by the "niggas" and the gays, but it was actually not bad at all. I fact, my eyes seemed to focus on the select white people living happily among a society of predominantly African Americans. I would walk into a high class sushi restaurant and bar and would be greatly by the smiling face of someone who was black... and this is normal! I was no longer the minority... I have to say it was refreshing. Downtown Atlanta was an "LA", but with better looking buildings and melting pot of black people that ranged classy and sophisticated to "country as hell, with a twang or a drawllll" haha. People there were so nice and love to talk to you, which is perfect for my personality! I learned that "county" and "ghetto" are two separate things.

"My Chick Bad" by Luda and Nicki was the song of the weekend. Every club, car ride, and restaurant was playing local artist like Ludacris, Monica, and Usher. I was happy to hear that radio stations were heavily supporting their local artist. I feel sometimes in SoCal the only West Coast artist we hear from regularly is Snoop Dogg ... and he is a piece of work in himself!

Whaaa... NO DENNYS!? But we did make our way to the famous Waffle House after the club got out at 3 something or another in the AM. I was forewarned that "there was never a dull moment at the Waffle House, something always goes wrong". You are literally in the kitchen! As I enjoyed my crispy bacon (I our server Teresa cooked for me herself after she took the spatula away from the cook because he was "taking too long"), the woman in front of us was washing dishes behind the counter as she was carrying a full conversation with us. Again... This was normal! I was waiting for all of the buck servers to get into a physical altercation eager to go on their late night smoke break after a long evening of serving hot syrup and creamy grits. That's just how they love each other in the South!


Unfortunately, with so much to do in so little time, I was not about to visit all of the tourist attractions. The World of Coke is on my next visit. it's a museum with Coke from every country. Also Atlanta has the biggest Aquarium in the WORLD, and I love seafood! I was however able to visit the Martin Luther King National Site. All I can say is that is was a very humbling experience. A lot of times on the West Coast we don't realize that magnitude of the civil rights movement as much as the people in the South. Being in Ebenezer Church and well as the pool honoring Dr. MLK and his late wife Coretta Scott King, made me appreciate what was done for me by strong African Americans that much more. Our generation is very fortunate to have just missed that. (And why was I wearing a shirt with a GIANT gun on it that day!? So bad Jayce!!!)

After graduation, I plan to move to Atlanta. Why? What could possibly be better than Southern California's weather, fast paced Hollywood lifestyle, blah blah blah. I've heard it all and I'm moving! I need something new, and I am not upset about the 900+ sq ft apartment I found with maid service, complimentary laundry, breakfast, and trash! No, no, I am not mad at ALL! I know I'm going to love my new life in Atlanta, and if i don't I can always move back home to where my heart is, California!


Also, shout out to Gladys Knight for some amazing Chicken and Strawberry Waffles, but I say... Roscoes is better. WESTSIDEEE!!!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Imma Take You To Flight School...

With my commute to Burbank from my home in OC I have a lot of time to sit and think about... well about life! Today as pollution circulated through my breathing system and Ryan Siecrest revealed the latest on the Kardashion girls, I sat in typical bumper to bumper LA traffic. The topic of my own little personal show was the pre-relationship stage and the constant BS people go through for people who are not even claiming them. I'm not referring to the dating stage when you first meet someone, but when a "couple" is exclusively our even UNexclusively talking.

Now I have no problem with this situation at all. For the people who know me, I've lived in this stage a few drown out times where the title never really entered the picture. I also have a lot of friends who stay in this stage for years! Over and over I hear how so-and-so did me dirty again and she/he stays hurting my heart! Hey, if you're ready you're ready, and if you're not.. you're not, but if its really that bad, why are you sticking around and using your energy on someone that is not even your significant other?

I related this experience to a plane flight. If you haven't taken off yet, you're not going to crash. It is okay to let go of someone, especially if you are not able to maintain a healthy friendship with them [because that is what it is, a friendship!]. In fact, it should be easier if you haven't gotten to that level in a relationship. There are in fact cases when a pair are in this pre-relationship stage for so long time they really do develop feelings. To those I say if the thing that is stopping you from taking it to the next level hasn't changed already, then it's probably not going to change anytime soon. What's done is done and what's going to happen is going to happen. It's going to be okay! Get off the plane before it takes off and it crashes...

"You're only given a certain amount of energy during a lifetime... use it wisely"


Friday, March 5, 2010

Blonde Hair DON'T Care...

For those who know me personally, you know that I like to get creative and try different things. I once had real life nose piercing. I've rocked mo-hawks, fo-hawks, fades, tapers, cornrows [what I like to call my "urban days"] afros, you name it! However I never dyed my hair blonde before. It is still changing colors everyday but the light bright it warming up to me. Hate it or love it cuz blonde hair DON'T care haha.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Man, WHAT Recession?!

Facebook Chat is a very interesting piece of work. Most of the time I get crazy women and men who I let slip though the cracks of the "Friend Request" process trying to get at me and tell me how much they miss me (although we have never met... don't get it!) How do we have so many mutual friends?! [Questions that I will never understand and need to be tossed into the ibis!]

HOWEVER, tonight Facebook Chat benefited me and opened my eyes to what it really happening in the youth of America. Despite the recession, young America is really starting to step it up and start their own businesses and projects and find their own means to financial stability. Someone hit me up on FB chat making general convo. He brought up a "slow jam" mixtape entitled "Cuffing Season 2" that his friend was releasing and sent me the link. I recongnized the title because I had seen it earlier on my friends Twitter profile picture. Let me say, it was pretty GOOD! Brought me back with some Maxwell, Ne-yo [Say it], and a few other songs that I was listening to for the first time. I really was 45 straight minutes of hot and sweaty baby making music! Sweet Baby Jesus!

I had mentioned my blog with him and me directed me to another blog that he was a part of. After reading a couple articles, I discovered that that too was legit piece of work. The wheels in my head began to crank and made me realize that the recession is not phasing the youth of America. Instead, they are starting their own clothing lines, becoming music artist, creating event management businesses, and flippin the "broke mentality" into an opportunity to use their talents and capabilities to find a way to make money. As a society, the typical "9-5" is not looking so hot after graduation. We are starting to use our creative ideas and with a money making mentality, people are doing what they want and getting paid for it. Perfect Job #pointblankperiod

Many times I find myself getting annoyed with the constant invites to parties I know I am more than likely NOT going to attend on Facebook. In fact I don't even know how many messages I have in my inbox, my iPhone [Becky] literally reads "99+". And now Direct Messages on Twitter, which used to be the strictly the booty call box, is now mass promotions and invites to events. I realized that yes, at times it can be VERY annoying, but young people are doing what they have to do to use their resources to network and get their message out. Even with this blog I promote it on my Facebook account and Twitter. As a Comm major we were always thought to network, network, NETWORK! Just as long as you do not "network" anything on my FB wall... I'm all smiles!

I have a friend who is a dancer and recently left to Canada to train as a Disney character and will be dancing on a cruise ship to the Bahamas for months. Another friend is leaving for a tour for his band next week. Everyday, we are seeing young people living their dreams and doing what they need to do to make rent next month and build up a business that may one day become an empire. Times are changing guys... older people say that they are scared for tomorrow, but we got this FOLKS! ;)


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Still A L I V E

Wow... it has been a minute since I wrote on this badboy. I missed my blog baby!

Just wanted to write a light-hearted "I'm back" blog to catch everyone up. I've been extremely busy with life. School, work, internship at NBC Universal... but I don't want to talk about that witchcraft!

I cannot believe graduation is right around the corner. I feel like I was just in Vegas yesterday walking the strip for News Years Eve by myself, cup in hand [longgg story, let's just say I'm coo off Vegas at this point in time! Haha]. Its already March tomorrow, kids!

College has been everything people said it was. I really have become the man that I am today... and just a man period. I am not the same 18 y.o. boy walking around campus lost in life... People have entered (and then some left) my life and with each a new lesson I learned a little more on the way the world works. "Regret" has never been in my vocabulary because everything that I have done and has happened to me molded me into the person that I am today. Yes, SH*T really does happen and I have gotten the bad end of it in some cases, but life is a series of lessons that are to be learned and applied to the next. God won't put you through anything you cannot handle. [TTSP] = This too shall PASS! Amen now!

So yes, I've 'parlayed', Facebooked, face planted [true story], and celebrated life for the past four years of college and now it is time to say "buh bye". I didn't really want to spend my last semester of college so freakin busy... but that's what life threw at me and I'm catchin it!

And isn't my stepmom's new dog a cutie. Her name is "Bettina!" Ole!

Much Love,